Dry eye is a common problem, but the solutions to it are not always easy to pin down. Finding the root cause of the issue can take time and various testing.
In the meantime, you’ll likely still be experiencing symptoms that can range from annoying to very uncomfortable. Luckily, whatever the reason for your dry eye, there is a simple way to get fast relief: eye drops.
Keep reading to learn what the best drops for dry eye are!
What Are Eye Drops?
Eye drops are made from a solution that hydrates and lubricates the eye. Different formulas of eye drops have different effects.
Choosing which eye drop to use will depend on your needs and preferences. For example, you may choose eye drops that are thinner.
This will provide fast-acting relief without inhibiting your vision, but you may need to use them more often. Thicker, more viscous eye drops will last longer but can make your vision blurry for several minutes after applying.
What Eye Drops Are Used to Treat Dry Eye?
Some eye drops are more potent than others. While over-the-counter eye drops are suitable for fast relief, prescription eye drops can do more.
The eye doctors at Simone Eye Center in Warren, Michigan, may prescribe Restasis or Xiidra, two powerful eye drop brands that can be effective against chronic dry eye.
How do Restasis and Xiidra work?
Restasis reduces inflammation in and around the eye. Inflamed eyes can block tear production, making it impossible for the eye to naturally soothe itself.
Xiidra also reduces inflammation, but is the first and only of its kind to not use steroids. These eye drops won’t be recommended in every case of dry eye, but can be very successful in reducing symptoms in some people.
How Long Do Eye Drops Take to Work for Dry Eye?
Eye drops can provide immediate relief, but don’t expect prescription eye drops to make the entire problem disappear right away. Both Restasis and Xiidra must be taken twice a day, every day, at least twelve hours apart.
Significant results from the treatments can take several months, so patience is key. It is very important that you continue the treatment plan after you begin to see results.
Do not stop taking the medication until your eye doctor directs you to. Another eye drop treatment option is a therapy called autologous serum eye drops.
This revolutionary treatment creates a custom eye drop serum from your own blood. For some people, this can be extremely effective.
What is the Right Way to Apply Eye Drops?
When applying any eye drops, good technique is incredibly important. Make sure you keep the tip of the applicator untouched.
The last thing you want is to introduce bacteria directly to your eyes. For the same reason, you should always wash your hands before using eye drops.
Instead of using the dropper directly into your eye, try using your non-dominant hand to pull your lower lid down. This will create a wide pocket that is easier to aim at.
Apply one drop at a time to avoid spillage.
What Eye Drops are Best for Dry Eye?
Prescription eye drops are a great tool to use against dry eye, but they are not one size fits all. Results will vary from person to person.
First, you need to find out what is causing your dry eye so your doctor can develop a treatment plan that makes sense.
You don’t need to suffer from dry eye syndrome. Talk to your eye doctor to find out what kind of eye drop is best for you!
Are you interested in getting relief from your dry eye symptoms? Schedule an appointment at Simone Eye Center in Warren, MI, today!